How to track a stolen phone in Zambia

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How to track a stolen phone

Reveled! Don’t let them get away with your stolen smartphone; learn how to track a stolen phone in Zambia, even without internet, 100% guaranteed

If you’ve ever had your phone stolen, you know what a nightmare it can be. You might have spent hours on the phone with customer service representatives trying to get a hold of your carrier or network provider and cancel your account so that someone doesn’t drain the balance in your bank account or sell off all of the data on your device.

Now imagine if there was an easier way to do this? That’s where the new tracking solution that truly works in Africa that I am about to share with you comes in! With this handy app installed on any Android handset, you’ll be able to track down and hopefully retrieve (or at least deactivate) a lost or stolen device.

Think about it, what is the worth of your phone? Is it just the money you paid to purchase the phone or even the data and other financial information on your phone? Imagine what will happen if all this information gets into the wrong hands?

You can avoid this, and also be able to track and find your phone using this proven way a lot of smartphone users in Zambia do not know of until now

Here are 4 steps on how to track a stolen phone in Zambia

  • Set up a security application on your phone before the incident

    I am sure you have heard this many times, but I will say it again. If you are going to use your smartphone tracker to find your phone, then be responsible and set up a security app such as Pins Mobile Security App on it first before anything bad happens!

    One common mistake many people make is to believe that they can never be a victim of smartphone theft, wait for the incident to happen, and now be looking for a solution that can help them recover the device. It is usually too late at this point. 

The chances of finding any meaningful help, especially in Zambia, are next to zero. You must install a security app or phone tracker on your phone before the incident to ever stand a chance of finding your phone when lost or stolen.

  • Install a proven phone tracker like Pins Mobile Security Application

The best way to prevent theft on your phone is to install a security application. It’s easy! The PMS App (Pins Mobile Security Application) ensures that, regardless of what the thieve does on the phone or to the phone, you stand a chance to track and find the phone.

You get to see instantly, the location of the phone either through SMS, in case getting an internet-enabled device may be difficult at that time, or you can track online by logging into your tracking account page.

You also get to know the new SIM card number inserted on your phone, see all the numbers the thief is calling at every single time, and all incoming calls.

You will agree with me that, this is valuable information that can facilitate easy recovery of your smartphone.

  • Act fast, login to your dashboard once you notice your phone has been stolen

    Understand this well, tracking your phone requires that you act as fast as possible, time is of the essence. Thieves who steal phones are usually within the same vicinity as you for another 20 minutes after the incident.

That is why your ability to immediately use the right tool to instantly locate the phone can cut back on the stress that will be involved in finding the phone. This is what the Pins Mobile Security Application made easy for you. At the very least, all you need is any other mobile phone, with or without internet, put in your tracking code, and see the location of the phone instantly. You can even use the SMS code to trigger an alarm, if the phone shows it’s close by, the thieve won’t be able to disable this alarm until you find your phone

How to track a stolen phone
How to track a stolen phone
How to track a stolen phone Call history
How to track a stolen phone Call history
  • Once you have enough information like phone number, and exact location, report to police and go for recovery

If you know the place where the person who stole your phone lives, works, and sleeps; if you can see all the numbers of all incoming and outgoing calls he is making; if you also can know the exact location where he is every single time; how easy do you think recovering your phone would be?

Easy right?

Exactly! In case the thieve is someone close, you can personally do the retrieval, however, if it’s an unfamiliar terrain or you sense danger in your attempt to recover, then you can easily provide this comprehensive evidence to the Police that will easily recover your device for you

Pins is a mobile security software that ensures a lost, missing, or stolen phone can be tracked and found once installed on it before the incident. Using a combination of both phone number and device IMEI to get real-time location. Users can track their phones using any device by logging into their tracking account page to see the location of their phone, and It is available for android users only.

With this app installed on your smartphone, you will never have to worry about losing it again! The GPS tracker will show you exactly where the device is located at all times so there’s no need to panic if you misplace it somewhere in your home. You’ll also receive alerts when someone tries accessing sensitive data from your smartphone without permission – like trying to unlock your screen with an incorrect password 3 times in a row! So don’t wait another minute – download Pins today!

Download now!

When you see your phone has been stolen, act fast! Make sure to set up security applications on your phone before the incident. Install a proven mobile security application like Pins Mobile Security Application for Android devices that will send an alert with location if it is ever lost or stolen. Act quickly by logging in to our dashboard once you notice your device has gone missing so we can help get as much information about the thief as possible. Once this happens, report the theft to the police and go after recovery of your property ASAP! Download the PMS app now, but hurry because time is running out!

Download now!

Oludare Junaid

I am a cybersecurity expert with more than 4years of experience in Nigeria’s smartphone cybersecurity space. During these years, I have personally seen more than 1000 cases of smartphone theft, and I will be sharing with you tips that can ensure you are never a victim of theft. If it ever happens, you can also increase the chances of tracking and find it.