How to track a stolen phone

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How to track a stolen phone

Are you looking for the best way to recover your lost or stolen smartphone? Follow this step-by-step guide on how to do it using Pins Mobile Security App and learn how to track a stolen phone

Have you ever experience the notorious phone theft or pick-pocket incident when you realized your phone is gone after a while? You are not alone, millions of smartphones are stolen in Nigeria every year, what is most disturbing is that 99% of victims of smartphone phone theft could not do anything about tracking or finding their phone successfully

Even if you have not experienced these incidents, you must surely know someone who has. Have you ever left your phone sitting on the table and returned to find it gone? Maybe you were in a meeting with some friends or out at lunch. You know that feeling of disappointment when you realize your smartphone is missing, and then panic sets in as you try to figure out how someone could have stolen it. The next step for most people is to call their network provider such as MTN etc, sadly, there isn’t much these network providers can do here in Nigeria, the best they can offer you is to suggest that you should speak with law enforcement agencies.

Luckily there are other options! One option is tracking software like ‘Find My Phone’ which allows users to locate their phones by using either GPS technology or just SMS. What user has to do is login to an online interface from any internet-enabled device if he or she chooses to track your phone via the internet, or use just SMS code to locate your phone instantly.

4 Steps to take when you want to track your stolen phone in Nigeria?

  • Set up a security application on your phone before the incident

    I am sure you have heard this many times, but I will say it again. If you are going to use your smartphone tracker to find your phone, then be responsible and set up a security app such as Pins Mobile Security App on it first before anything bad happens!

    One common mistake many people make is to believe that they can never be a victim of smartphone theft, wait for the incident to happen, and now be looking for a solution that can help them recover the device. It is usually too late at this point.  

    The chances of finding any meaningful help, especially in Nigeria, are next to zero. You must install a security app or phone tracker on your phone before the incident to ever stand a chance of finding your phone when lost or stolen.
  • Install a proven phone tracker like Pins Mobile Security Application

The best way to prevent theft on your phone is to install a security application. It’s easy! The PMS App (Pins Mobile Security Application) ensures that, regardless of what the thieve does on the phone or to the phone, you stand a chance to track and find the phone.

You get to see instantly, the location of the phone either through SMS, in case getting an internet-enabled device may be difficult at that time, or you can track online by logging into your tracking account page.

You also get to know the new SIM card number inserted on your phone, see all the numbers the thief is calling at every single time, and all incoming calls.

How to track a stolen phone location map
Pins Mobile Security Application showing the exact location of a phone
How to track a stolen phone - See the details of the thief
Pins Mobile Security Tracking page showing the face captured
How to track a stolen phone,  Pins Mobile Security Phone tracking page showing call history

You will agree with me that, this is valuable information that can facilitate easy recovery of your smartphone.

  • Act fast, login to your dashboard once you notice your phone has been stolen

    Understand this well, tracking your phone requires that you act as fast as possible, time is of the essence. Thieves who steal phones are usually within the same vicinity as you for another 20 minutes after the incident.

That is why your ability to immediately use the right tool to instantly locate the phone can cut back on the stress that will be involved in finding the phone. This is what the Pins Mobile Security Application made easy for you. At the very least, all you need is any other mobile phone, with or without internet, put in your tracking code, and see the location of the phone instantly. You can even use the SMS code to trigger an alarm, if the phone shows it’s close by, the thieve won’t be able to disable this alarm until you find your phone

  • Once you have enough information like phone number, and exact location, report to police and go for recovery

If you know the place where the person who stole your phone lives, works, and sleeps; if you can see all the numbers of all incoming and outgoing calls he is making; if you also can know the exact location where he is every single time; how easy do you think recovering your phone would be?

Easy right?

Exactly! In case the thieve is someone close, you can personally do the retrieval, however, if it’s an unfamiliar terrain or you sense danger in your attempt to recover, then you can easily provide this comprehensive evidence to the Police that will easily recover your device for you

This is how the Pins Mobile Security app help you track your lost or stolen phone in Nigeria

Your phone is lost, missing, or stolen?

You can’t find your phone? It’s not a problem. Pins Mobile Security App will help you find it in seconds! We’ll use the device IMEI and your phone number to track it down. And if that doesn’t work, we’ll even send you an SMS with its location so you can go get it right away!

With this app installed on your device before anything happens, there’s no need to worry about losing your most prized possession ever again. Download now for free from Google Play Store and keep yourself safe today!

Get started by installing the PMS app on your phone and have the peace of mind that you deserve

Don’t be like one of the people who I found online lamenting about how he could have saved money wasted on replacing a stolen phone

“If I had installed Pins Mobile Security Application on my phone, it would have been a lot easier to find and recover. The application notifies you of your device’s location in real-time so that there is no need for worry. You can also use the app as an anti-theft tool to track down stolen phones.”

Get started by installing the PMS app on your phone and have the peace of mind that you deserve

Oludare Junaid

I am a cybersecurity expert with more than 4years of experience in Nigeria’s smartphone cybersecurity space. During these years, I have personally seen more than 1000 cases of smartphone theft, and I will be sharing with you tips that can ensure you are never a victim of theft. If it ever happens, you can also increase the chances of tracking and find it.