How can I install PINS Mobile Security?

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How can I install PINS Mobile Security?

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It’s as easy as one-two-three:

  • Go to your App market and search for “PINS App” (Google Play Store). and search for PINS Mobile Solutions with the keyword PINS App with our logo
  • Select “Install” or “Download” when you’re given the option
  • Select and activate all of the terms and conditions to allow the PINS App use your phone features for proper functioning.
  • Once installed, open the PinsApp on your phone and you will be asked to create an account (Sign up) with a functional and active email address for your username, and a password of your choice. (Security question and answer)
  • You will be required to choose preferred subscription plan before you can access Pins Mobile Security Solution. We recommend you use google play payment system to pay and activate your subscription plan.
  • Once successful, note that activation is automatic, and you will be able to complete setting up the mobile application on your phone
  • Subscription is successful, choose Open to start using the Application. Select Continue to confirm that you have read and accept the terms of the Pins Mobile Security End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. On the next screen tap Continue to set up the protection. These steps can differ slightly depending on your device model, operating system version and its vendor customizations.