Protect your family and friends with location tracker app that works anywhere – Guaranteed

Crimes are rising, but you can now know before it happens! Give your loved ones an extra layer of security now!

Know the exact location of your loved ones, get notified if they are in danger or there is an intrusion on their phone with Pins Smartphone Family Locator and Antitheft Apps!

Easy to us! Available for All Android Devices!










Don’t leave your loved ones exposed!

With the recent surge in crime rate across the world, you now have more responsibility to provide an extra layer of security for your Kids, Spouse, loved ones, and friends. 

What if you can know where they are every single time, see the faces of people who intrude or try to access their phones? 

With enough antitheft information, it is easier to protect them! 

Pins Mobile Security Offline Tracking
Pins Mobile Security Track your phone without Internet

Locate your loved ones

Stay connected even when you’re apart. Share your location with loved ones, spot them on a map, and save places they visit the most. 

Also, you can have a history of all locations they have been to which can help you track down an incident if need be.

"I know where my Child is all the time"

Give your family peace of mind by keeping them safe even when you’re not nearby or far. Check family members’ locations in real time. Now, parents and children no longer need to make phone calls to ask, “Where are you?” Pins Mobile Security can provide you this information right away even when there is no internet connectivity on their phone at that time! 

PMS SMS alert

There is Great Peace of Mind in Knowing your Family is Safe

Now you don’t have to live in constant fear of not knowing what to do if it ever happens. Add your children, your spouse and other family members to your account and see where they are always

Easy to us! Available for All Android Devices!

How it works

This is how the PMS App will help you!


Know before it happens. See who kids are texting and messages they receive on their phones even when deleted from the phone


See who calls your kid's phone number, find out how long with duration and also the contact details of the caller


Monitor all messages received and sent with exact phone number of the receiver. Good thing is, you can still track even when the message has been deleted from the phone


Catch the next person who tries to unlock their phones without authorization. Capture the picture of the person, exact time and location while trying to input codes or pattern to unlock your phone


Receive instant email notification for every failed attempts to unlock their phone. Also get information such picture of the person on your live dashboard as well


Monitor every SIM card change that happens on your phone, good thing is, you can get the exact phone number of the SIM card inserted on your phone

Start monitoring within minutes!

Setting up the PMS family and friend locator is easy, all you need to do is to install the PMS app, create an account (if you are a new user) or add a new phone to your existing account by just signing in with your account login details. 


Anitheft PMS Offline tracking

Download and Install the Pins Mobile Security

Download and install on your android smartphone by following the simple installation guide

PMS Antitheft No internet tracking

Set up the Antitheft Feature

Create an account and set up the antitheft security features with family and friends locator 

PMS Antitheft SMS tracking

Start Monitoring your loved ones

You can now start monitoring through your account or dashboard accessible on any internet enabled device 

We are protecting thousands of families all over the world​

 I have been using this app for more than 6 months to ensure my kids in the college are safe all the time. It works, and easy to use” 




Guaranteed way to get all information that can assist you to recover your phone all for free!

– You can opt-out anytime No other commitment, absolutely free!

  • Track your phone without internet connection – Offline tracking (valued at $5 monthly)
  • See where your phone is with real live online tracking of the smartphone (Valued at $10 Monthly)
  • Know before it happens with Antitheft Security SMS and Call tracking (Valued at $5 Monthly)
  • See the face of the intruder or thief, see location and exact time anyone accesses your phone (Valued at $5 monthly)
  • Get to know instantly if someone tries to unlock your phone (valued at $5 monthly)

Total: $30,000 Monthly


Free to use, at least for now!


Lock your apps away from people who want to steal your information

Increasingly, your financial information and other valuable document are important, and when in the wrong hands, your account can be wiped clean! Now you are getting a free AppLock, that helps you set up unique codes to prevent anyone from accessing any important app on your phone without your authorization.

The good part is, this is free for you as well

Free to use, at least for now!

Do you really need a tracker on your phone?

If you are not sure whether you need this, maybe because you are among the lucky few who had never gone through the experience of losing your phone. Well, I am happy to tell you again that you are indeed lucky.

But, do you want to leave everything to luck, when you can do something that would cost you next to nothing that ensures you are fully protected?

#Best Mobile
Phone Tracking App

Pins Mobile Security

We are making this free now so that we can allow as many Nigerians to be able to protect their smartphones. This is only available for a limited time and just for the next 100,000 users.

Unconditional Opt-out option! If you think for any reason, which we highly doubt, that it doesn’t work for you, you can always opt-out at any point. No question asked, no commitment asked