Lock your apps away from people who want to steal your information

Don’t let your financial information and other vital data get into the wrong hands, your bank account can be wiped clean within minutes.

Here is a chance to protect information by locking your apps with an extra level of security all for free!

(Works on all android phones!)










It is easier now for thieves to steal your money!

Your life is more mobile now, you can virtually run your business, transfer funds, send important documents on your phone within seconds. The amount of data that is on your phone increases the day, and if it gets into the wrong hands,  it can be very devastating

What is your plan to protect your applications and important information?

Pins Mobile Security App lock
PMS App lock

Some people are looking for your Financial Information!

emerging trend. They are looking for a way to transfer money from your bank account once they get a hold of your phone.  Sadly, anyone can be a victim of this bad experience as long as you use any smartphone.

Is there anything at all you can do to protect yourself? Yes! You can now use a technology that helps you secure your apps always now!

What happens to your phone when it is stolen without securing your apps?

When a thieve steals a phone,  the first thing he does is to find a way to break into it, and find information to steal your money or data; you can prevent this by adding another extra level of security to your phone that protects what you valued most, your financial information and data with the Pins Mobile Security Applock feature!

What you can do to block off intruders from stealing your financial information!

From your bank apps (eg Zenith, Access, and all other banks application) to other important applications that hold your data, you can let PMS protect you now! You can even prevent intruders from accessing your phone settings by adding “settings” to the list of apps you are blocking on your phone!

Free to use, at least for now!

What PMS App Lock will do for you!

Increasingly, your financial information and other valuable document are important, and when in the wrong hands, your account can be wiped clean! Now you are getting a free AppLock, that helps you set up unique codes to prevent anyone from accessing any important app on your phone without your authorization. The good part is, this is free!

Now you can lock your phone easily with PMS App Lock

Setting up the app lock on your phone is easy. All you need is to download the Pins Mobile Security App, and activate the app lock feature.

PMS Applock1

Download and Install the Pins Mobile Security

Download and install on your android smartphone by following the simple installation guide

PMS Applock2

Set up the App Lock Feature

You will be required to set up a secret code, you need this code to lock and unlock your important apps  

PMS Applock

Now enjoy an extra layer of security

Each time you want to access any of the apps locked, you will receive a prompt to provide the code set. 

People like you we have helped

”I find this easy to use, and most importantly, I have peace of mind knowing that my bank apps are safe all the time”




Guaranteed way to get all information that can assist you to recover your phone all for free!

– You can opt-out anytime No other commitment, absolutely free!

  • Track your phone without internet connection – Offline tracking (valued at $5 monthly)
  • See where your phone is with real live online tracking of the smartphone (Valued at $10 Monthly)
  • Know before it happens with Antitheft Security SMS and Call tracking (Valued at $5 Monthly)
  • See the face of the intruder or thief, see location and exact time anyone accesses your phone (Valued at $5 monthly)
  • Get to know instantly if someone tries to unlock your phone (valued at $5 monthly)

Total: $30,000 Monthly


Free to use, at least for now!


Lock your apps away from people who want to steal your information

Increasingly, your financial information and other valuable document are important, and when in the wrong hands, your account can be wiped clean! Now you are getting a free AppLock, that helps you set up unique codes to prevent anyone from accessing any important app on your phone without your authorization.

The good part is, this is free for you as well

Free to use, at least for now!

Do you really need a tracker on your phone?

If you are not sure whether you need this, maybe because you are among the lucky few who had never gone through the experience of losing your phone. Well, I am happy to tell you again that you are indeed lucky.

But, do you want to leave everything to luck, when you can do something that would cost you next to nothing that ensures you are fully protected?

#Best Mobile
Phone Tracking App

Pins Mobile Security

We are making this free now so that we can allow as many Nigerians to be able to protect their smartphones. This is only available for a limited time and just for the next 100,000 users. 

Unconditional Opt-out option! If you think for any reason, which we highly doubt, that it doesn’t work for you, you can always opt-out at any point. No question asked, no commitment asked